Mine shaft misadventure for man and his dog

Susan and Kerry with Luna, and senior firefighters Adam Stacey (left) and Andrew Clarke (right). Photo supplied.

On Wednesday January 26 Launceston man Kerry was taking a walk with his wife Susan and their dog Luna, when their jaunt took a turn for the worse. 

Walking near Highland Lakes Road at Golden Valley, Luna followed her nose and slipped straight down a disused mine shaft. 

In an effort to retreive Luna, Kerry followed her into the hole and the pair became stuck in there together.

The couple had managed to create a makeshift basket and rope system to attempt to hoist Luna out, and had her halfway up before they were anable to progress further.  

Emergency services were contacted at 3.05 pm and a combined rescue effort from Deloraine and Launceston TFS members, and Meander Valley SES members was launched.

Kerry and Luna were approximately 11 metres down the shaft and rescuers conducted a roping rescue to bring the two back to safety and sunlight. 

Launceston Fire Station manager Adrian Gill said, “We don’t really see many rescues like this, but we were happy to go help.”

“We set up a system then lowered a firefighter down to get them both out.”

After spending about six hours in the shaft, both Kerry and Luna were uninjured.


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