Questions asked and answered

The Alveston Drive Pump Track contract has been awarded and work is underway. 

The first meeting of the Meander Valley Council for 2022 took place on January 18, with all councillors in attendance either in person or via Zoom. 

The meeting began with the acknowledgement of country and well wishes for the new year.

Cr Deborah White enquired for updates regarding the council’s annual plan.

When asked about Council’s upcoming collaboration with UTAS to respond to the local impacts of climate change, General Manager John Jordan confirmed that it would be addressed during a workshop in March.

Cr White also asked about the consideration of a Reconciliation Action Plan and was informed by Mr Jordan that the issue will be addressed at a future workshop. 

Cr Stephanie Cameron asked for an update regarding Council’s Pump Track development on Alveston Drive. A contract had been awarded at the meeting, and work has since commenced on the project.

Council is taking action to install new light towers at the Deloraine Recreation Ground and was in possession of the lights and poles at the time of the meeting.

Mayor Wayne Johnston asked for an update on the project.

“We are in negotiation with a supplier at the moment to see if they will undertake the works,” Mr Jordan said. 

“The main issue is getting a licensed building contractor to undertake the work, which is a requirement.

“The Senior Football Club representatives suggested a firm that could do it, but unfortunately, it turned out that they didn’t hold the required licence. 

“Hopefully, in the next 2-4 weeks, we will have a response from a licensed contractor and be able to land an installation date.” 

Cr John Temple asked if there were any updates regarding the proposed Northern Regional Prison.

Mayor Johnston had received no further information. However, Mr Jordan said the project’s community engagement officers had contacted him. 

“They reached out and asked for some assistance in contacting neighbouring properties to the Ashely Site,” he said.

“They are shortly going to ramp up community consultation and advertising in the Meander Valley Gazette and other publications.

“They have also asked for the use of Council facilities as a base for consultation. They want to hold a couple of events where the community can come and talk to the project team, so we are negotiating the details in terms of timing and venue.”

If you have a question you’d like answered, questions can also be submitted ahead of time by lodging an online form on the council’s website, via email, by mail or over the phone.

Questions may also be asked during the meeting but, due to COVID-19 restrictions, only a handful of community members may be in the gallery during question time. 

Those intending to attend must register their interest with the council’s Customer Service Centre by phoning 6393 5300.

The full audio and minutes of the meeting are available via the council’s website:


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