Christmas lunch on the lawn

On Christmas Day, Deloraine House hosted its annual Orphan’s Christmas Lunch under a marquee in front of Deloraine House.

Our orphan’s Christmas Lunch is about giving back to the community and sharing a celebratory meal with members of our community.

More than fifty people attended, the weather was beautiful, with blue skies and a light breeze.

Traditional Christmas fare was Lunch was two courses, consisting of a choice of ham, turkey, chicken, potatoes, salads, coleslaw, gravy, and garlic bread for the main course, and a choice of pavlova, Christmas pudding, ice cream, and fruit salad for dessert.

The Mennonite Choir blessed the attendees with their presence, singing eight to ten carols, before the gathered “orphans” tucked into a traditional two-course Christmas dinner.

Deloraine House staff and volunteers gave their time as a volunteer role to run the event, with a lucky door prize of a gingerbread house donated by Candice and Ryan from “More Better Baklava.”

Deloraine House volunteers spent the week making up 50 Christmas hampers for those would otherwise not have had the resources to prepare a festive nutritious meal on Christmas Day, and also presents for the children within the family to relieve financial stress of time of year.

“Thank you to all the community members, local businesses (Meander Valley Fruit and Veg), community service clubs (Lions and Rotary), organisations, local schools and churches and Loaves and Fishes who donated food and children’s gifts to Deloraine House so that we could work with families and individuals at a financially stressful time of year and to share Christmas Day with others.


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