Ignite your passion for fire spinning

Last year, Arts Deloraine teamed up with SuperSillyUs Circus and the Fyrebird Flow Collective to host an exciting series of workshops on fire performance.

These youth-focused workshops were a huge hit, with participants enjoying the opportunity to learn the art of spinning staff, poi, palms, and fans in a safe environment.

The young performers went on to deliver an incredible performance that thrilled the WinterFire22 audience.

Building on this success, Arts Deloraine with support from the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal are thrilled to announce that the workshops will be returning this year! The weekly program will run every Thursday for six weeks from May 4th to June 8th, from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the Deloraine Showgrounds.

Participants will have the chance to create their own Fire Staff and safely develop and again showcase their new found skills in the overall choreography at the highly anticipated WinterFire 23 event, scheduled for June 10th.

Bookings are essential and limited.

Email info@supersillyuscircus.com to secure your spot.


Beetles or bugs?


Violence prevention workshop