Eye for an eye
Culture and Lifestyle April Underhill Culture and Lifestyle April Underhill

Eye for an eye

A cockfight can cause serious damage. My Old Faithful rooster is sitting in a large cat-carry container in my living room. He has a blood-encrusted comb and wattles and I’m not sure about his sight in one eye – all caused by Young Incumbent who thought his time had come to lead the flock.

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The singer, not the song
Culture and Lifestyle April Underhill Culture and Lifestyle April Underhill

The singer, not the song

Now, what would induce a newly retired man and his wife to move from Mildura, Victoria, to live in Bracknell, Tasmania. While Stephen Gorin was working in the electronics service industry, they made some caravanning visits to Tasmania and what they saw convinced them that this is where they wanted to be, with quiet, peaceful, changeable weather and beautiful countryside. The ideal place to retire. 

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