Christmas traditions

Wendy Hays

One Christmas day our family had brandy sauce for dessert but without plum pudding. 

You see, my elderly mum didn’t get around to making the plum puddings until a few days before Christmas. 

As is the usual procedure, she hung the steaming, cooked puddings out to dry. A well-ventilated hook under our back verandah was chosen for this purpose. 

During the night we heard a commotion outside. 

To her dismay (and fury), an investigation revealed two brushtail possums had launched themselves from the barbecue, and, having torn through the cloth, were feasting upside down on the said puddings. 

With much yelling and the aid of a conveniently placed mop, the two bulging rogues were dispatched into the nearby bush. 

The chooks that year enjoyed a splendid Christmas dinner but we had to settle for Easy Brandy Sauce served with fruit salad and ice cream.

Since then, I have discovered this easy microwave plum pudding that would have kept our Christmas dinner in the family tradition. 

Happy Christmas and a safe 2022 to you all.

Pudding and brandy sauce, followed by shortbread biscuits (if there is any room left) are all favourite Christmas treats. A microwave pudding and refrigerator shortbreads make it just a little bit easier to prepare for the festive season. Photos supplied.

Microwave Plum Pudding


250 g butter, softened

250 g brown sugar

4 eggs, beaten

1 kg mixed fruit

1 1/2 cups fresh breadcrumbs

1/2 tsp each of ground ginger, nutmeg and all spice

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon

1 cup dry, stewed apple

1 tbl golden syrup

1 tbl Parisian essence

1/2 cup sweet sherry, orange juice or other spirit of choice

1/4 tsp almond essence


Grease and flour a large microwave safe bowl. 

Sift the flour, salt and spices together.

In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, using an electric mixer.

Gradually add in the beaten egg and golden syrup.

Using a metal spoon or plastic scraper, gently stir in all of the other ingredients.

Spoon the mixture into the prepared bowl and microwave on medium/low for about 35 minutes.

Cut a 4 cm wide strip of baking paper and crimp around the edge of the bowl covering the outer edge of the pudding.

Cook for about another 20–30 minutes until only just set in the middle. As microwaves vary a great deal in cooking capacity, watch the pudding very carefully during the last 20–30 minutes of the cooking. 

The pudding will continue to cook once it is out of the microwave. Take care that it doesn’t overcook or it will be tough and rubbery. 

A Tupperware lettuce crisper is an ideal container for cooking this pudding in. This recipe can be successfully halved but adjust the cooking times accordingly.

Easy Brandy Sauce


2 tbs butter

2 tbs cornflour

3 tbs sugar

2 tbs golden syrup

1 cup milk

1/4 cup brandy


Using a microwave-safe jug, melt butter on high for 30–40 seconds.

Using a wooden spoon, blend in the cornflour, sugar and golden syrup and cook on high for 1 minute.

Gradually stir in the milk and cook on medium/high for 2 to 3 minutes until thick and boiling. Stir after each minute.

Stir in brandy. Serve hot or cold.

Shortbread Biscuits


250 g butter, softened

125 g castor sugar

2 3/4 cups (approximately) plain flour, sifted


With an electric mixer, beat the softened butter and castor sugar until white and creamy.

Using a knife, mix in most of the flour to make a soft dough. You may need all of the flour and even a little extra. 

Once the mixture comes together around the knife, form into 2 x 30 cm long logs. Avoid over-kneading. 

Wrap logs in plastic or foil. Refrigerate until firm or ready to bake.

Cut logs into 7mm rounds and place onto trays lined with baking paper. Decorate if desired with nuts, cherries or Christmas sweets. 

Bake at 140°C for about 45–60 minutes until pale in colour.


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