Banging a gong for the climate emergency

Local religious groups draw attention to the government’s lack of action on climate change.  Photo suppliedLocal religious groups draw attention to the government’s lack of action on climate change.  Photo supplied

Local religious groups draw attention to the government’s lack of action on climate change. Photo supplied

LOCAL RELIGIOUS groups made a noise for the environment at a Sounding the Alarm demonstration outside the Deloraine office of State MP Guy Barnett last month.

Organiser Jan Blakeney said the groups, including the NW Society of Friends (Quakers), were supporting world wide

Greenfaith International to draw attention to the fact that Australian governments are doing little to combat the climate emergency.

‘The destruction of the Earth is a deep affront to our religion. We have a list of 10 demands to convey to the State Government and have asked for an appointment with Mr Barnett to discuss this issue at his convenience’, she said.

‘The 11th hour for change has come.’

Around 20 people held a silent meditation for an hour outside the office then broke the silence with a loud noise of bells, gongs and tin pots at noon. 


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