Rock’n’rollin’ at the Creek

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Above left: Australian Made get the crowd dancing.
Above right: The Gold Standards – Will Court, Max De Vos, Misty Henderson, Griffin O’Nie and Austin Faltyn – played their first live gig.
Bottom: Evan Thomas, Russell Fairey, Jeanine Dalziel, Cathryn Stol, Judi Beveridge and Philip Beveridge.

All photos by Darren Harris

Darren Harris

THEY CAME from miles around to A Day At The Creek Music Festival, at the Mole Creek Hotel on 6 and 7 March.

The day featured the largest tribute band line-up ever in Tasmania, food, drink, accommodation and camping, with crowd control, and volunteers from Rotary. Money raised by the two day music festival goes to support

and the Cancer Council Tasmania.

James Blundell, Khe Sanh, Australian Made, The Blues Brothers Revival Band, The Wolfe Brothers, Boil Up, Dave Hawkins and more, attracted music lovers from near and afar.

Jeanine Dalziel’s group of friends had travelled from St Helens, Goulds Country and Bribie Island. ‘We got here Friday and are staying until Monday, across the road at the campsite. I am enjoying getting riddled with rhythm with the three days of live music.’

Misty Henderson of the Gold Standards said the group hails from East Gippsland and it was their first live gig.

‘Our gig went well, we do some Linda Ronstadt songs, our originals. We are a smooth, country, rock’n’rollin’ and all out 70s band.’

Misty said they hope to play again at A Day At The Creek next year.


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