Doreen’s 100 years
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Doreen’s 100 years

Doreen May Burns (nee Upston) was born om 7 August 1922 when George V was King, Billy Hughes was Australia’s Prime Minister.

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Have skates, will travel
Sport April Underhill Sport April Underhill

Have skates, will travel

Club President Peter Ashton, Blayze’s Father Brett and Blayze Rubock receiving a cheque for $500 from Club Treasurer Penny Domeney. Photo by Natasha Delaney.

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New SES flood warning system for Tasmania
News April Underhill News April Underhill

New SES flood warning system for Tasmania

Tasmania State Emergency Service (SES) has recently adopted the Australian Warning System (AWS) for flood emergencies and launched an SES Flood Warnings System which will provide advice to the community regarding what to do when a flood happens.

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Youth voice on community action in response to climate change
News April Underhill News April Underhill

Youth voice on community action in response to climate change

Climate change will significantly impact our health and wellbeing, the natural environment and the economy.

The 2021 Australian Local Government Climate Review reported that the majority of councils who participated were already impacted by climate change and were setting or planning emissions reduction targets for their own operations and across their community.

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